Thursday, February 01, 2007

Well, January is gone and once again we missed out on the snow. I love the snow! Getting out of school, hot chocolate and mom always made beef stew or chili on snow days. In the 70's dad put in a wood burning heater to cut the power bill and in case of power outages. Mom hated it, the smell, the bark on the floor, the ashes, but loved the warmth. And we loved the stews/soups that cooked all day on the top. We would only come in, when we were made. Hands and feet cold, wet and red, we would push to be close to the heat. To feel that tingling when they would start to thaw. I still love to back up to a heater and get my jeans hot and then sit. Did it snow more when we were children? Oh, the things we remember...........

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