Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We have been back to school only 9 days and grandson #1 missed the bus. So after ranting and raving for a few minutes I realize that I could take #2 to daycare early and have some alone time to do what ever I want. So I skipped to the car and loaded everyone into the car singing. Oh, get real, me skipping. But it was a nice break and all was happy. So here I sit with 2 hours on my hands to do with what I want. And I am dumb founded that I can't think of a thing to do. I know the sink is full of dishes and my bed needs to be made and I am going to a overnight crop this weekend and I need to come up with something to do, but I sit here on the computer. Oh, it is my party and I will cry if I want to. OR It is my alone time and only you know I am surfing the Internet. Lifting my virtual glass, Here's to being alone , a quite house, and no desire to empty that sink or make that bed. Okay snapping back to reality, I guess this is a post about nothing. So lifting that glass once more, here is to nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a Happy Tuesday.
And I promise that it is a virtual glass.....

1 comment:

j said...

*clink* I will toast your alone time!

I will enjoy the quiet of the house when I am more secure about The Boy. It may take another few weeks I'm afraid. He just isn't adjusting. Haven't talked to B yet about the conference but I'll let you know.

I look forward to relaxed and comfortable quiet time. I am planning a trip to the beach, all by myself, to celebrate the kids success. PLANNING it like it is a forgone conclusion!!!
