Friday, June 25, 2010

A Sorority is born!
I'm so excited!
And amazed! It seems all of you want this as much as I do. It's awesome that we all feel the same way about this wonderful world of blogging! The camaraderie we have developed between all of us speaks for itself.
And there are so many more Sisters to meet!
What fun we shall all have! Parties and giveaways, tours and workshops, sharing creations and ideas - all of this is in store for all of us. From home decor to crafting, our days will be full of fun in the months ahead. I've received some AWESOME ideas for our new Sisterhood from all of you and I am really looking forward to bringing it all to fruition.
Check it out here...


Marian Baker said...

This looks cool!!!! I want to join... you can show me how later! We will have fun Sunday.. and thanks for letting me off due to company!

porter place cottage said...

I'm glad you are joing our little 'ole sorority! Nice to meet you!
Terrie - Colorado

Lynn Stevens said...

Great to meet you sister!

zandra said...

Hi, from New Jersey! Glad to meet another sister.