Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am posting my Thrifty Thursday alittle early this week and here is why.
Hubby and I had eye appointment yesterday.
So he took a vacation day so we could go junkin.
So we left the house heading to the thrift stores and to look at cars.
We was only looking at cars.
Until I saw this.......

Just kidding
But she is such a good wife.

This is what I got



Isn't she pretty?

And so far everyone says

I look good in it!

Now all I need is for the rain to stop.

The salesman said since it was my first convertible , the sky's would part for me.

I will take some picture today, it was so late after we got home with dilated eyes.

And I had to ride the boys around, and we worked on our convertible wave,

( kinda like the Queen wave) HA!


Jeanette said...

Ok, yeah, can't wait to see some real pics not just the stock photo. It's a good thing it's not still winter time. I have a feeling the buzz around Cleveland, AL would be about you going off the deep end driving around with the top down in 35 degree weather!!! :) Have fun!!! Nashville, here we come!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, its okay to ride with the top down when its below 35, when it is drizzling rain, well just about any time. The car has a heater, and air conditioner and you hardly notice the drizzle when you're having fun. For me summer is the worst time, because you don't think about getting a sunburn while riding in a car. Don't forget the sunscreen, jacket, sunvisor, and some good loud 50's, 60's and 70's music. Have fun. No "mooning"! You are an adult.


Keetha Broyles said...

Oh, congrats on the convert

j said...

WOO HOO! I. Am. THRILLED! for you. Oh Jerri, you deserve to get what you want and you put a big old grin on my face today!

Jill Cox said...

WOOooooooooooooooHOOOOOOOOOOOooo She's a beauty Jerri!! Congrats :-)

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