Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day in my life !
7 a.m- coffee and computer
8 a.m- shower
9 a.m- got boys up and dressed
grandson #1 going swimming so, find swim trunks. grandson #2 wants to wear his too. Don't sweat the small stuff, dress him in his swim trunks. load car.
fix #2 a glass of tea and animal crackers.
9:30- out the door, #2 wants to ride his bike just one time before he gets into car.
9:45- take #2 to daycare
stop by store to get #1 biscuits
stop by Dollar General- buy goggles
stop by Grocery store and get apple and grapes for #1 to take to pool.
10 a.m- open store
unload car, price items. add patriotic theme to items on porch
noon- send grandson #1 next door to get chips for lunch and a drink to carry to the pool.
Lady calls about a dresser, will be right there.
12:15 Jennifer stops by with 2 of her children, we talk a few minutes and she starts to add items to her booth. They are in the process of moving.
12:20- Another vendor comes in- has furniture. We move one dresser out, that sold Saturday and moved in a pie save. As several customer come in to shop.
They come in to get grandson #1 to go swimming. He leaves. Lady wanting to look at dresser - measures and takes out drawers and even kicks the tires, so to speak. She leaves to measure the space again- which is code for, it is not really what I wanted- I will be back she says. Another vendor came in to put items in booth and my mail lady comes in with a box. All is gone by
3:p.m. -Lunch and bathroom break. Call vendor to tell him he sold a piece of furniture and has a empty space.
3:30- Lady looking at dresser back- changed her mind needs a side table. Looks around, measures, kicks more tires and says she will be back.
3:45- customer looking for a art table for her daughter- nothing we have will work, but she did want the dresser, the first lady didn't.
Gonna put it on layaway- see you in a day or two. She gets outside and finds her checkbooks. Back in, writes check and loading another piece of furniture. Now I have two spaces that needs to be straighten up. Another vendor, more customers, more sales. Call another vendor-piece sold-have space .
5:oo- close store- hubby calls
Pick up grandson #2 at daycare, he wants a Dr pepper. No time
5:16- pick up grandson #1 at pool
5:35- stop at store get Dr. Pepper
Post office
Pick up Dear Daughter @ work
6:15 Home at last
Hubby Home- with flowers. Did mention it is our 26th wedding Anniversary.
6:30- VBS meeting
7:45- home again to steaks on the grill
8:00- enjoying our dinner.
Happy anniversary Darling
Clean kitchen- household chores
Exhausted and asleep by 10 p.m


JennV said...

Whew!!!! And I thought MY life has been a rollercoaster! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY My Friend!!!! He made you steaks, and bought flowers(I bet you didn't even have to bribe him this time!), Didn't forget, and has Loved you for over 26 years... Yep, he's still a keeper!

I soo needed our talk this morning! I have Dearly Missed you and needed a few minutes of Jerri Time!


j said...

I am glad that I read this at the end of the day. WOO! Made me tired! You were SO busy yesterday when I was by. The store seemed just FULL of people!

Glad that lady bought my cabinet so that I could come back by again today.

Be blessed!


dianna said...

Yikes.....I'M exhausted just reading this....*whew*.

Bob said...

The thirtieth should be a doozey.