Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Well, it is all over but the Turkey.
Tomorrow we will go to Mothers for Thanksgiving.
I will be taking Friday off too.
Gonna try and shop alittle.
Clean alittle
Cook alittle.
Saturday I will be cooking for my family, after the ballgame.
You know, THE game.
Try to put up a tree or two.
Get ev eryone together to take our Christmas card photo.
Church , then DON meeting, and Christmas play practice.
Relaxing weekend, not in this house.
Have a safe and Happy Weekend!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

And the Winner is Vicky!
I assume this is Vicky Hamby. When I went to click on the name there was privacy settings.
So if this is you, come by the shop next week. I will have your goody ready.
Thanks friends!

Friday, November 18, 2011

1000 post and a Christmas Ornament
I started making ornament today, do you or Mom have these coasters?
I just had to make a ornament out of them. All different and so easy.
Remember- Hot glue is your friend, and hang on to old Christmas cards.
I will tonight draw for the goody box  for my 1000 post.
Leave a comment here or on Facebook.
Have a wonderful weekend and create something.

Monday, November 14, 2011

That is 1000 post
Yes this post makes it 1001.
As I went back to my first few post,
I had to laugh.
I was telling that DD had moved in about 2 months ago and I want my house back.
Isn't this funny, since they just moved out about a week ago.
If you had told me back in 2005 that it would be this long before they had a place of their own, I would have committed myself.
Don't forget to leave a post here or on facebook for a chance to win few goodies.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Yes, it is
Celebrate* Celebrate*
Dance to the Music
Now, take a look at this
Can you tell what it is made of?
Go here and check it out.
I could not believe how good it looks.
Did Curiosity got ahold of  you?
And with this post
This is my 1000 post since I started many years ago.
Some would be discouraged as to the lack of friends, responses or vistors.
But I did not start this as a how to... 
but as my soap box, so to speak.
It makes me feel better to vent sometimes.
So I have a box of goodies, if you want to leave a comment.
Are you Lucky?
your Lucky day?
I will draw next Friday.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Can you see a story here
Her hands have a story to tell
You can see into her life
The man she loved
The children she raised
The loves, the loses
The joys, the sorrows

Monday, November 07, 2011

Cammy came home today. I had to send it home with Jeanette and we met for my Birthday Lunch and Shopping. And BOY! did we shop. I am pooped. But alot has happened in the last week. I have had a wonderful Birthday with many many friends wishing  me a Happy Day!
I got flowers from someone who just signed it as I LOVE YOU!
I went to Hartsle Antique Christmas Open House on Saturday.
I got a teal Pumpkin and a stack of wasp nest and lots of goodys.
DD and family has moved out and I am trying to get my house in order.
There is not enough time in the day to do what I want to do.
I want to decorate for Christmas since I went to the Christmas Open House.
It has been a busy week, I love it!
Stay tuned for a special gift within a days.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Our family, plays dirty Santa every year.
It has got expensive and boring.
So last year I drop the $ from $25 to 10
And be creative.
It was interesting.
Malik got $10 worth of quarters taped in duck tape.
So funny and can you imagine how long it took him to peel them off.
This year, June will host us and I hope she follows suit.
I have thought of a few things, and thought you might want to try something new.
1.Share your favorite items ( I like to read, chocolate and popcorn)
2. Share you Christmas goodies. ( I enjoy making sugared pecans)
3.I love this "Our Family does" sign. You could make it on a smaller scale and frame it!
4. You can create a needlepoint towel.
I think we all could Needlepoint HO! HO! HO!
5.How about something Recycled, like the Salt and Pepper shaker Snowmen. Recycled and Cute!
Just a few ideas, enjoy!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

November 1, 2011
Twenty eleven
eleventh month
first day of the eleventh month
Can you believe it?
Tomorrow is my Birthday.
I will be 51.
In November  1959, my mother was getting discouraged about concieving.
She went to the Doctor and he told her she was going to have a baby.
And to go home tell Jerry ( my dad) and celebrate.
They did, and I was born November of 1960.
Yes,  I am a 12 month baby,
You guess it, Mom was not expecting but did relax enough to concieve.
And 12 months later, I was born.
So tomorrow I will be
51 years old
18615 days old
446760 hours old
Now that is depressing.