Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009

Where is a man in tight and a cape when you need one?
Let me start out by saying
I have a fear of birds!
When they are in my shop, flying in my space.
Now, get your self off the floor and stop laughing.
I could not be the only one.
As I went into the shop yesterday, it was a beautiful day, so I propped the door open to let some of the old store smell out and fresh air in.
And low and behold a bird flew in.
I stood still, thinking.....
Would hubby leave work and drive 40 miles to save me?
Could I call 911, would they send the rescue squad?
Should lock up and go home?
What kind of note would I put on the door?
Put on you big girl panties and deal with it!
SO I grabbed the broom, and chased that silly thing around the store for ever.
Then I called hubby, just to see if he was willing to come home, or had an idea.
Let's just say, he ain't coming!!!!
So I tried to do some work, an ignore that little thing.
It kelp flying around and I squealed like a little girl each time.
A male customer came in, I told him about the bird, not about my fear.
He said, Let me look at him.
He did and said. " oh, it's a sparrow and you will never get it out of here, it will just die in here".
I was thinking, all along, Oh no! with a panic look on my face.
No tights, on that man!
after he left I decided to try once more.
then in came Linda, bring items for her booth.
She is my Super hero.
She made me hold the broom and not let it back to the back room, her daughter came by and each time it flew toward us we screamed.
But it went out.
After 30 minutes or so.
It just took 3 of us.
Linda, I am sure wears tights and a cape,
she just left them at home.
And how was you Thursday?
Anything exciting happen?
Do you have a hero?
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I had a busy day yesterday.
Doctors appointment and shopping for supplies for the upcoming scrap booking retreat.
Jenn and Bill took me here, for the first time.
Yes, I was a Costco virgin.
As I walked into the fresh vegetable cooler, I believe the sky parted and light streamed into the room.
Maybe even a melody of angels sang as we entered.
As the cool air wrapped it's loving arms around me.
But as we were shopping, and in no hurry. My doctor called and wanted to move up my appointment. So we had to rush and leave.
So now I am trying to convince Hubby to buy a membership.
But some how he doesn't get the heaven I was in yesterday.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Monday, April 06, 2009
Thursday, April 02, 2009