Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Offical Buzz is.......

I lead a rather boring life and no exciting news to post. I have been rather busy at the shop the last few weeks, it is tax refund time. We tend to do well at this time of the year, extra $ to spend on the wants. I have been working on a project also. It is a book for my grandsons. The book is titled " Nanny's Recommendations & Instructions for your life". It has been a rather fun book to work on and is still not completed but close. I have so enjoyed the weather, and prob open my door as often as I can. I still have a problem getting up in the dark. I planted a few items one day this week, in tea cups and jugs at the shop. I sold quite a few of them yesterday. These are items that will not sell on their own but with a flower in them, sell well, and make the front of the store look good. Hubby was off on Monday and we spent the day together. It is nice to have him all to myself every once in awhile. We shopped and I got my laptop. Yeah! Now I have a new item to play with, and eventually will get a program for the shop . Going out on a date tonight, well a double date, but a date. Going to the comedy club to see James Gregory. I really have enjoyed him in the past. I hope he is wired tonight, I need a good laugh. Well, off to work. Have a wonderful weekend.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

If you have nothing to do , I would love to see each and everyone of you.

Come and join us for
Our 2nd annual
Goodbye Winter
Hello Spring
Saturday April 14th
Starting at 9a.m
We will enjoy food, flowers and fun.
So bring your "Green Thumb"
and join us in Celebrating Spring.
Dry Creek Antiques
Cleveland Alabama

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Creative Sunday
Been looking for a certain item in my room all morning. Isn't any wonder it was in plain sight, in front of my eyes, if it was a snake it would have bitten me. And it was on top of the pile. The gummed stars, do you see them? I know you do but I wish you had been here an hour ago. Working on a school page, more to come.... Happy Sunday!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Started another blog this afternoon to let everyone know more about the Crop 2 Help Retreat for 2007. So this is the address, bookmark it - . More to come....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Sunday, I woke at 9:15, had a cup of java and read my e-mails. Someone sent me a heads up about the time change. It was now 10:30, not 9:30.... I started screaming oh, no, get up everyone, we will never make it to church. Well, I am here to tell you that I can get myself, hubby, a two year old and a 9 year old ready and be sitting in church at 10 minutes till 11.

Fast Forward...

Store closed on Monday, Tuesday back at work, Customers in all day. But I noticed some regulars were earlier than normal. Like the Lady that works at Alfa, comes by on her lunch. I was really hungry at 12. A guy that works for the school bus department, came by early. Oh, my, it is now 3 not 2 and I was suppose to pick up grandson at 2:45.

Now on Wednesday, only 4 days after time changed , I think every clock has been set to the right time.

Picture above is of a unique sign I got at a recent sale. Loved it so much it is now at home at my house. Daughter just shakes her head and says I just don't get you mom.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Having a lovely time, wish I was here.
Today I will dream of laying on the beach
with a tall cool umbrella drink. And a tanned
cabana boy ( no, I want a man, in this fantasy)
rubbing my ..........we interrupt this fantasy for an emergency...
grandson #2 needs a diaper change and grandson #1
needs his jeans put in the dryer, daughter asks did
you pick up any milk, and hubby screams where is the coffee filters......Have a Fantasy Day Everyone!

Monday, March 05, 2007

This is one of my many collection, old cracked and aged platters hang at the back of my counter. This one with the roses is my favorite. The walls are full now, so if I find one, it has to be better than one I already have. Went to another Auction on Saturday. Not where I wanted to be. I had planned all week to go on a ladies retreat and it all fell through. Grandson was sick but on Saturday was better, both went to spend the night with friends. So, I was free, ask hubby if he was free so we could spend some time together. So I opened the shop and he went to a small auction ( we thought it was small) . Turned out it was a good one, got lots of goodies and so we spent our day out at the auction, and afternoon. Stay tuned for pics later. Scrapbooking class tomorrow night. Page all ready for a change. Thinking about stopping the classes. Could rent the space and make more $. But I still need me alittle space to work on my goodies. Happy Monday!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Spent Monday with my bestest friend, Jeanette. And she had a RAK for me. A checkbook cover to embellish. Here's the end results. Love it! Everyone in our house is coming down with the crud. Started with Grandson #1 and then daughter, now I can hear grandson #2 still in bed but coughing. We are in for a wonderful weekend. Came home yesterday at noon, when school was let out. We had a lovely afternoon. It was warm outside and we played outside until the rain started. I was so upset to hear about the school in Enterprise. Why was these children not at home with their parents? As you well know I am not a News watcher so I did not hear if this school had dismissed or not. I know it is not mine to second guess, but once again , it was children . Please lets say a prayer for the families that was effected. No Friday challenge this week- go hug your children or grandchildren, and remember these families in your prayers.